Thursday 29 May 2014


...Real Estate Redefined!



With the coming of the road, Lekki is fast developing with people scrambling for land in the axis. The rush has pushed up the price of land in the adjourning Lekki axis. With this, the Lekki/Epe axis is living up to its billing as the fastest growing real estate corridor in West Africa. The road problem, which hitherto affected business growth and expansion, appears to have been solved with the Lekki-Epe Expressway. The hitherto two- way lane has given way to a six-lane toll road. Built by the Lekki Concession Company (LCC) for N50 billion, the firm is to recoup its money within 30 years. The road expansion has given fillip to the growth of the real estate sector. The growth of the real estate sector is unprecedented as upscale estates are springing up with land value appreciating.
Government has also stepped up activities along the axis with the establishment of the Lekki Free Trade Zone, deep, Sea Port, airport and other private initiatives such as golf courses earmarked for private developers.
Due to the emergence of many estates and housing developments within the Lekki axis, there has been an increase in the demand for shopping malls and office spaces within the Lekki regions. There are few shopping malls within the Lekki-Axis like Spar, Shoprite, and other small shopping plaza’s within the Lekki-Axis.
Relocation Managers would be involved in each step of the way from marketing to sale/ letting then the management of the shopping Mall. We would ensure that to our clients would receive the highest quality of management.
Customer satisfaction, safety and an overall healthy working relationship are our main goals.

Relocation Manager’s Philosophy

Put simply
Happy Landlord + Happy Tenant + RML = MONEY!!!
With the expected trend in the Nigeria property and real estate market, we are committed to excellence with huge stake for property development initiative and the management of a professional clientele portfolio showing a futuristic growth in network, return on investment (ROI) and customer satisfaction.


Our Company Story

Relocation Managers Limited


Extensive research into the needs of property investors and tenants has highlighted a serious lack of:

*      Exceptional Service
*      Attention  to detail
*      Responsiveness
*      Accountability
Relocation Managers Limited was created to fulfil  this need.

The  sole  objective  of  RML is  to  providlandlords  and tenants with  a  unique  level  of service  and  accountability  based on the  simple  promise  tha a  truly  satisfied  customer is  one  who  is confident  thei propertis  bein well  maintained,  is  alway in  a condition  to  be  abl to  optimise  a  financia return an tha the tenants are  content.



Our Focus:

Simply stated RML will protect your  investment by: keeping  your  property attractive and  desirable throug meticulou attentio t detai in  maintenance passing along  economies  of scale  and  implementing  periodic  inspections  in order  to prevent rather than  to fix problems.

 We understand what you, the Landlord want and need from the management of your property:

You want to minimize your expenses and maximise your income.

You want to   be kept up to date with what is going to affect your investment.

You want to be assured that the rental is being paid according to the arrangements made.
You want to know that your property is being maintained by the tenant and the property manager.


Our philosophies are simple:


To    provide the best possible service to our clients at all times

To    provide you with a property management service second to None.
To           establish and develop mutually beneficial business Relationships.
To  provide the  highest standard  of professionalism in the services we provide.


RML focuses on:

Obtaining the best return possible and minimize your property expenses.

Implement your instructions to the letter.

Leasing/Selling your property to the most suitable tenant as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Maintain and enhance your investment.
Relocation Managers Limited is focused on providing outstandin property   management.

  • RML tailors all property management packages to suit individual needs.
  • RML has created a system that enables a high   level of pro-activity (early detection of potential problems tenant education, satisfaction and replacement) to ensure that exceptional standards are maintained at all times.
  • The system is based on: the  best  people,  equipped  with  the  best informatio and    resources,  kept    u t date  through  diligent tracking of market trends and  customer needs.
  • We have derived plans to aid in minimizing expenses and maintaining the property.


 The Plans take into account:

  •  MAINTENANCE - as it is the biggest area of expenses in a rental property and;
  • TENANT EDUCATION: which aids in maintaining the property and also cutting down unnecessary expenses. We also provide clients information on   purchasing   new Investment  Properties.  Our  Investment  property of the month” comes out  on  our  monthly  newsletter  to  give  our  clients  the opportunity to increase their  portfolio.


 Details of services we provide during management are:


Your     property      will    be     listed    on     our    website  also  if required,  we  can  place  an  add  under  the  rental  listings  section  in the there is no charge for this. As part of our “Free Internet Listing, we inspect the property, take photos and notes. We can update the advert at any time.  The photos ar kept in date orde for future reference.  Onc loade onlin you   ca chec your property live at anytime! We also engage in various types of marketing.

 Initial and Final Inspection


An Initial Inspection” is carried out prior to the tenant taking possession of the property. It consists of a complete report on the condition of the property. The tenants receive a copy and sign off on it Thi inspectio i then    used   as a   guide    for   the    Final Inspection” at the end of the tenancy taking into account wear an tear.   Final Inspection Guide an Initial Inspection documents are supplied for your information.  We also take photos whic form   part of th initia inspection   an ca resolv any problem when    th tenan leave th property.  W ca also undertake a furniture inventory if the property is furnished (at an extra cost).
Tenant Selection:  Prospective tenants  are required   to    provide    all information requested on   our   extensive   “Application   Forms”, along   with relevant ID. We have a strict tenant selection process.  We phone all referees supplied on the   forms   including   past   landlords and employers.  Tenants  are  then   selected  if the  information  supplied reaches the  standards we require, the  information is then  passed to you for  your  final approval. “Application Form” supplied for your information.

Lease Preparation - Letting Fee

The   letting   fee   covers   all the   costs   of attaining   new   tenants, excluding media advertising. This includes all show throughs, initial inspection,   reference checking,   lodging   of bond, drawing   up   a Residetial/commercial Tenancy Agreement and any other documentation.

Rent Payments

Tenants pay rent via several methods into our account. These include, Direct Transfer, Draft or Cheque at our office.  Tenants must pay their rent ON TIME, EVERY TIME, as at when due. A reminder would be sent to them 3 months before the due date and subsequently.


Rent Arrears

Rent   arrears  is  checked  daily  and   followed   up  with  appropriate action  –  phone call,  letter   or  Forms  are  served on  whatever the situation calls for to ensure rental payments are  kept  up to date.

Ongoing Management – Management Fee

The management fee is charged on all monies  collected  on  your behalf.  Management  fees   cover   the   day   to  day   running   of  the property,  tenant and  landlord   liaison,  arranging  maintenance,  site visits, collecting and  processing rental payments, rent  arrears, etc.

Routine Inspections

Routine Inspections are carried out every three months, a report of the   inspection   is   forwarded to   you   with   your   end   of   month statement.  Any maintenance  or other matters of an  urgent nature is reported to  you  immediately  to  enable  us  to  take  the  necessary action.
Maintenance & Repairs
We have  a register  of qualified  and  suitably  insured  staff to cover  any  maintenance that  may  be required.

Service Charge

Tenants are responsible for all service charges which includes: electricity, cleaning of common areas, maintenance personnel, gardeners, security, sewage disposal, waste disposal, e.t.c.


We can pay all of your accounts pertaining to your investment property; council rates, water rates, maintenance, etc.  Copies are sent to you with your end of month statement.

End of Month Statements

Every 3 months (Quarterly), a Statement is issued detailing:
-      Rents Collected
-      All outgoings (rates and  maintenance, etc)
-      Management Fees
-      Monies forwarded to your bank.
A financial end of year statement with details of all transactions for the year will be issued  to you at the  end  of the  Financial  Year.
Payments are made on the 14th  and 28th of each  month. If these dates  fall  on  a  weekend  or  public   holiday,  the   payment  will  be made on the  previous business day.

Relocation Managers Limited offers unique benefits in their management package. We have  found  that  one  of the  areas  lacking  attention  in  property  management is maintenance. High costs in unnecessary maintenance repairs are sometimes caused by property managers overlooking minor problems. In some  cases, the Landlord is  not  advised  of  maintenance  issues  and  these become major  issues  which  cause the  property to be  left in poor  condition. This can bring up problems with the tenants, and can decrease the value  of your investment.
This  is  why   you   need   to   talk   to   our   property  manager  about managing  your  investment,  and  giving  it the  type of attention  it requires. By doing   the   necessary maintenance  and   keeping   the property  up  to  scratch,  it  not   only  increases  the   value   of  your investment,  but  also  keeps  the  tenants  happy. If the tenants are happy,   they   pay   their   rent   on   time   and   also   look   after   your investment. It is a win-win situation.
We believe tenant education is also  a vital part  in the  management of  a  property. Tenants need  to  be  informed  how  to  maintain  the property so that  maintenance can  be  kept  at  to  minimum, and  also know  when   to  report problems  that   may  become major. Tenants who  are  educated,  for example, in relighting a  hot  water service, how  to  operate an  air  conditioner,  how  to  operate the switch and what  to do if the  safety switch trips,  will cut down on unnecessary costs.
Why use Relocation Managers Limited? Because we care about: You, Your Investment and your Peace of Mind
Relocation Managers Limited.