Saturday 24 May 2014


Hi Everyone,
My name is Christy and I am a property consultant. Saying that I love real estate is an understatement because real estate is my Passion.  

I studied Accounting in the University of Benin and I am currently doing my Masters In University of Lagos. I have always dreamt of  being an accountant in a big firm or working as a banker but my Love and passion for real estate and entrepreneurship led me to just pushing aside all those dreams and follow my Passion of being a Realtor. I love the whole real estate process.

After graduating from University of Benin, I worked briefly in two different firms before taking the bold leap and venturing into Real Estate. Since then, I have never turned  back. I am so engrossed and enchanted with the whole real estate process that I can't imagine my life without it. So I decided to give birth to my own real estate company which I named "Relocation Managers Limited" and registered under the Nigerian C.A.C as a Limited Liability Company.  To be continued...

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